Sunday, June 20, 2010

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

I recently heard that gossip was going around that straightening your hair gives you cancer. Is this true???

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

No it does not cause cancer but I'm thinking the chemicals in your shampoo and other hair care products have killed a few of your brain cells

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???


Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

no, dont be silly!!

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

No. Your hair is dead anyway.

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

yes, if you do it at the meadowlands

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

not cancer - botulism and trichinosis maybe.

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

Gawd no! Don't believe rumors, otherwise thousands and thousands of women would have cancer from that. lol

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

oh god no only thing possible would be that it would eventually POSSIBLY damage your hair. no cancer tho

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

That's why we shouldn't listen to rumors! Don't you know that everything causes cancer!

No, it's just a rumor!

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

Doubtful. Theres no harmful chemicals and it doesn't change the genes you have into cancerous ones.

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

Just with a regular flat-iron, or with chemical treatments? I would assume not. A rumor is all that it is: a rumor. Unless there is physical and scientific evidence behind it, don't believe the hype.

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

I only heard about coloring your hair after a prolonged period of time can make you susceptible to cancer (forgot the specific name) but never heard of straightening. Probably scalp problems or something to that level.

Anyways, who actually GOSSIPS about things like that.?

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

This is not true. You misunderstood. What they were trying to say is that IF you have cancer you should avoid straightening your hair because you will lose MORE.

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

Cancer is caused by the mutation of cells so if you are ever in doubt just ask yourself if what it is has that ability. Cigarettes, yes. Hair straightener, no. But you should only use a ceramic one or you'll have seriously damaged hair after a while!

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

Well, that閳ユ獨 just a myth. You can go ahead and straighten your hair without any worries or hesitations. But make sure to really pamper your hair once the straightening/coloring is done as the natural oil on the hair is lost to a great extend during the process. To retain the health of your hair, give regular oil massage. Your hair specialist can surely guide you and tell you the do閳ユ獨 and don閳ユ獩s. So go ahead and enjoy!

Does straightening your hair give you cancer???

You must be kidding? I'm a hair stylist and the hair is already dead when its out of your scalp! It only damages your hair, so use heat protecting products! Like Flat Iron Spray by High Hair/Wella! :)

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